The Entertainer

Well versed in the art of seduction and blending in any given situation, this sly fox can go from an innocent, blushing dancer, to a perfect hostess, to even to a vicious business owner that has no trouble stepping on others and holding them firmly under her heels. Whatever is the mood or the situation, she is quick to shift and adapt.As her favorite saying goes; There is always a price to everything, one must simply find it. What is yours?

The Graceful Dancer
A Kind Hostess
Shy, Listening Artist
The Comforting Companion
An Ice Queen

*Disclaimer: This is only in terms of event RP. I do not and will not carry over to Discord less stated otherwise. I have many things going on that garners my attention so adding that would be a bit overwhelming for me.
-These jobs, and the RP along with it, are paid with in-game gil if one seeks it.